5 Simple Techniques To Help You Reduce Stress & Have Better Emotional Well-being

Depression & Anxiety Counselling Canberra

I can help you eliminate depression and anxiety

Fast and permanent results. Take the first step

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What is Depression and Anxiety?

Although depression and anxiety are often taken to mean the same thing, the reality is that they are two separate, potentially crippling conditions.

With around three million Australians living with anxiety or depression, it is clear that these issues are affecting a significant proportion of the population.

How do you know if you have anxiety or depression?

Depression and/or anxiety are usually diagnosed by your doctor or other healthcare professional.

Do you experience these depression symptoms?

  • Not enjoying the things you used to enjoy
  • Trouble concentrating and focusing; some people describe the feeling as “brain fog”
  • Persistent feelings of misery, guilt, anger, shame or sadness
  • Insomnia: either having problems getting to sleep, or waking up very early in the morning and being unable to get back off to sleep again.
  • Tiredness
  • Irritability
  • Boredom
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Unexplained pain or aching
  • Suicidal thoughts

Do you experience these anxiety symptoms?

  • Sleep problems (sleeping poorly, inability to get to sleep, early rising)
  • Inability to sit still or relax
  • Jaw ache and muscle cramps due to continual muscle tension
  • Feelings of dread and panic
  • Dry mouth
  • Racing heart
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Cold, tingling or numb hands, feet or limbs
  • Lack of motivation and energy

Depression vs anxiety

It is possible to have both conditions at the same time, or suffer from one or the other.

Both depression and anxiety can be either continuous problems, or arise periodically (often during periods of stress).

Both can make completing everyday tasks difficult. Some people manage to cope, at great personal cost, and others find themselves completely crippled by their feelings.

Don’t suffer in silence.

Let’s chat about how we can work together to get you back on track.

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What causes depression and/or anxiety

The exact causes of these conditions aren’t known.

Some research suggests it may be genetic. People are more likely to suffer from a depressive illness or anxiety, especially if they have family members who have also experienced this.

Other studies show it can result from individuals’ responses to external stresses. If you are struggling with marriage or relationship issues, or dealing with constant chronic pain, then these stress factors may contribute to depression.

In addition, many sufferers adopt coping strategies, such as drinking or overeating, that are unhelpful and can increase the depression or anxiety.

This is why treatment needs to be tailored to your specific requirements.

What cures depression and anxiety?

Often the causes and triggers for depression or anxiety are specific to the individual. For this reason, the treatment needs to be personalised.

Sometimes depression or anxiety will resolve in time, without any treatment at all.

If the condition(s) persist, there are a number of approaches which can be adopted.

Medication isn’t usually suitable as a cure: it may mask the symptoms temporarily, but doesn’t actually address the root causes of the condition.

Can lifestyle changes cure depression and anxiety?

There is evidence that lifestyle changes can help you manage your symptoms of anxiety and depression.

A healthy diet, sufficient rest, regular exercise and making an effort to socialise and do things you used to enjoy can ease your symptoms.

However, this only manages your condition. To cure your anxiety and/or depression and eliminate symptoms over the long term…

it’s vital to find out the exact cause of your suffering.

Depression and anxiety therapy

As a hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, and counsellor — you will receive an individualised therapy plan that will address the root cause of your depression and/or anxiety.

You will receive strategies and managements tips that will help you cope.

Using depression or anxiety therapy, you will apply workable, practical solutions that will reduce reduce the severity and frequency of your symptoms.

Patients have experienced noticeable decreases in tiredness, poor mood, and sleep difficulties right after starting treatment.

Together, we can do it.

With customised treatments suited to you, a happy and fulfilled life is within reach.

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Why choose us?

When you decide to use our practice to obtain your therapy, you can expect to enjoy:

Be treated by highly trained staff that are committed to identifying the root cause of your condition

Experience a difference quickly, with treatment concentrating on the present rather than the past

Receive the tools required to change your behaviour and thought process, to ultimately manage your anxiety and/or depression

Treatment focused on fast improvements

Prevent and minimise the chances of anxiety or depression returning, by using the same tips, strategies, and techniques you learn

Using holistic therapy you will improve not only your mental symptoms, but your physical symptoms as well

Hypnotherapy for depression & anxiety

Hypnotherapy for depression requires you to enter a calm, relaxed state. Allowing you to discuss your emotions and thoughts without undue levels of emotion.

This causes you to become receptive to positive suggestions from the therapist.

Hypnotherapy for anxiety works in a similar way, allowing patients to benefit from an altered mindset and implanting suggestions for a healthier thought processes.

Counselling for depression & anxiety?

How does counselling help depression?

Counseling is one of the most commonly used talking therapies for depression.
This allows you to discuss your feelings, thoughts and emotions in a non-judgemental, safe setting.

Through counselling, you will be encouraged to consider your emotions and come up with solutions.

Advantages of counselling:

  • Come up with your own answers
  • Create a solution that works for you
  • Combinable with other treatments for faster improvement

Counselling for depression & anxiety allows you to air your feelings in a constructive way.

You will be asked questions that will force you to take an objective look at your feelings and emotions, and work out which ways of thinking are having a negative impact on your life.

We will then come up with ways of thinking differently to ease your symptoms.

It will be tailored you and has the potential to achieve results rapidly.

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Together, we can do it.

With customised treatments suited to you, a happy and fulfilled life is within reach.

Call To Discover How

Psychotherapy for depression & anxiety

Psychotherapy is a specialist form of “talking therapy” and can be delivered in a variety of ways, depending on your needs.

This strategy focuses on helping you alter the way you think, in order to allow you to adopt more positive ways of looking at things.

It is outcome-driven and highly practical. The emphasis is on finding what works for you

Customised treatments from a Canberra therapist

My clinic is located conveniently in Garran and provides a safe, supportive and empowering environment to help you facilitate profound and lasting change.

38 Brereton Street, Garran, Canberra ACT 2605

If you are dealing with personal challenges in greater Canberra or the following areas, please reach out and let’s chat about finding a healthy solution to your problems.


As a chronic anxiety sufferer, I found Ilona’s practical approach of enormous help. I managed to resolve quite a few issues and have the right tools to manage my anxiety when I feel that it’s getting out of hand. Many thanks!
Ms W-S, Canberra
I have felt very low at times and my depression meant I wasn’t able to work. I found the way the treatment was focused around the outcomes I wanted really helpful. I now feel well enough to return to work part-time, as well as feel I have all the tools I need to keep well.
Anonymous to preserve confidentiality

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The number of sessions required varies depending on the patient. Some people will notice a benefit after only one session, others will require a few more. The aim of the treatment is always to achieve maximum benefit in the shortest possible period of time. We are committed to offering great value and hope to see you move on with your issues resolved as soon as possible.

  • We advise patients to discuss their medication with their doctor before stopping prescribed drugs. If you feel that your symptoms have improved to the extent that you no longer need the medication you have been prescribed, speak with your medical provider and find out from them the best way to taper your dose or whether stopping completely is the right route for your particular circumstances.