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How to Use Self-Hypnosis to Achieve Personal Change

June 27, 2023


Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool that can empower individuals to tap into their subconscious minds and
achieve personal change. By learning and practising the steps to self-hypnosis, you can unlock the vast
potential within you to overcome all sorts of issues such as poor self-esteem, weight loss, and limiting.

beliefs, and create positive change in your life. In this article, we will explore the essential steps to self-
hypnosis and guide you on your journey of self-improvement.

Step 1: Setting the Stage

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without any distractions. Ensure that you won’t
be disturbed during the self-hypnosis session. Dim the lights and create an environment that promotes
relaxation. Turn off your phone. You may choose to play soft, soothing music to enhance the experience.

Step 2: Inducing a State of Relaxation

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. With each breath, imagine exhaling any tension or stress you
may be carrying. As you inhale, imagine drawing in calmness and relaxation. Gradually scan your body
from head to toe, consciously releasing any muscular tension. Visualise yourself sinking deeper into a
state of profound relaxation.

Step 3: Creating Affirmations and Goals

Identify the areas of your life that you wish to improve or the specific goals you want to achieve.
Formulate positive affirmations that reflect these desires. Ensure that your affirmations are in the present
tense as if you have already achieved your desired outcome. For example, instead of saying, “I want to be
confident,” rephrase it as “I am confident and self-assured in all areas of my life.”

Step 4: Deepening the Trance

Imagine yourself descending a staircase, counting down from ten to one with each step. With each count,
visualise yourself becoming more relaxed and entering a deeper state of trance. Alternatively, you can
imagine floating on a cloud or drifting down a gentle stream, letting go of any conscious thoughts or

Step 5: Visualisation and Suggestion

Once you have reached a deep state of relaxation, begin to visualise your goals and desires vividly. See

yourself living the life you desire or accomplishing the tasks you want to complete. Use all your senses-
sight, sound, taste, smell and very importantly feeling, to make the experience as real as possible.

Alongside your visualisation, repeat your positive affirmations silently or aloud, embedding them into
your subconscious mind. As we emphasised above, focus on the emotions associated with achieving
your goals, amplifying them within your visualisation.

Step 6: Reinforcement and Awakening

Gradually bring your focus back to the present moment. Count from one to five, telling yourself that you
will feel refreshed, energised, and fully awake as you reach the count of five. With each number, allow
your awareness to return to the present, feeling a sense of rejuvenation and positivity.

Step 7: Regular Practice

Self-hypnosis is a skill that improves with regular practice. Set aside dedicated time each day to engage in
self-hypnosis. The more you practice, the more natural and effective it will become. Consistency is key to
reprogramming your subconscious mind and creating lasting change in your life.


Self-hypnosis is a remarkable tool that enables individuals to harness the power of their subconscious
minds (which is 95% of their entire mind). By following the steps outlined above and practising regularly,
you can tap into your hidden potential, overcome limitations, and manifest positive changes in various
aspects of your life.

Unlock the huge power within you and become the best version of yourself through the practice of self-

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