Break Free from Smoking in Just One Session

Proven Hypnotherapy Strategies for a Smoke-Free Life

Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy

I can help you with…

  • Quitting smoking fast and permanently
  • Counselling & hypnotherapy for addictions
  • Support for nicotine withdrawal
  • Supplementary recordings are provided to assist with your recovery

Fast and permanent results. Take the first step

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Been planning to quit for a while, but just haven’t gotten around to it?
Maybe you only smoke a few a day, and think it’s not a big problem…

The effects of smoking

Unfortunately, smoking affects almost every part of the body. If you want to know how smoking can affect your lungs, or see the way in which smoking can affect your brain, take a look at the following list of smoking effects on the body:


Your lungs receive the highest concentration of cigarette smoke.

Chronic inflammation of the airways, deposits of sticky black tar and other waste from cigarettes, can lead to a wide range of conditions, such as lung cancer, COPD, bronchitis, coughs, emphysema and even pneumonia


Smoking causes blood to become thicker, increasing your risk of a clot.

It also causes artery walls to become thicker, narrowing the arteries and increasing your risk of stroke.

Mouth and throat

Cigarette smoke can cause chronic inflammation, potentially leading to cancer as well as a persistent sore throat, gum problems and a reduced sense of taste


Pregnant smokers are more likely to give birth to underweight babies, as well as more likely to have a miscarriage than non-smokers.

The risk of cot death is also increased by 25% for babies with a mother who smokes.

Kidneys and digestive system

Smokers are more likely to develop kidney and stomach cancer, as well as have an increased occurrence of ulcers and acid reflux.

The Brain

Smoking increases the risk of a swollen blood vessels in the brain (an aneurysm) that can lead to stroke and even death.

Skin, bones and teeth.

Gum disease, yellow teeth, weak bones, and sagging skin.

In addition, smoking also causes non-smokers to inhale second-hand smoke, known as passive smoking.

This can cause problems for non-smokers, including babies and small children.

An environment where smoking is permitted is potentially a toxic one; that’s why smoking is banned in public places, in a bid to protect non-smokers from the damaging effects.

Quit smoking fast and permanently. Take the first step today!

Book a Consultation

How to quit smoking

So you want to give up smoking…forever! That’s understandable … According to the World Health Organization, tobacco is responsible for 5 million deaths per year worldwide.

But how? You’ve tried before… unsuccessfully. Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking is by far the most effective and painless way of quitting smoking because it targets files in your subconscious mind. This is a part of your mind you do not have access to with your will power or conscious mind.

In your first session, not only will you receive a face-to-face hypnosis, but also a recording to listen to every day for at least two weeks. This recording is constantly reinforcing the fact that now you are a non-smoker. Clients express surprise at how powerful and effective hypnotherapy is! You will require only one, maximum two sessions.

Unfortunately, nicotine is extremely addictive, making it hard for individuals to stop smoking even if they want to.

Although the physical cravings for nicotine usually only last about three days, the psychological craving for a cigarette can continue long after that. In addition, if you do decide to quit smoking, you may experience a selection of unwanted side effects.

Side effects of quitting smoking


This is caused by nicotine withdrawal and the psychological effects of stopping a habit you have enjoyed for a considerable period of time.

Increased appetite

Nicotine an appetite suppressant; meaning you’ll be less hungry while you smoke.

After quitting, your taste buds begin to operate more effectively and making food taste better.

This may cause a sudden increase in appetite and lead to weight gain.

Insomnia, anxiety and depression

Many smokers suffer from anxiety and depression, which can feel worse when you quit.


Nicotine is a laxative.

When you quit smoking, your bowels have to get used to working without the aid of nicotine.

This can require a period of adjustment.


As your lungs start to clear, you may find that you develop a cough.

Feeling sick / a headache

Nicotine has an effect on virtually every part of your body; some quitters find they get a withdrawal headache.

Inability to concentrate

Nicotine increases focus – quitters find that it can take them a while to get used to concentrating without the aid of nicotine

Although all these side effects can sound quite daunting, the reality is that for most quitters, any side effects are short-lived and more than outweighed by the benefits.

How to quit smoking successfully

Research is showing that hypnosis for stopping or quitting smoking is twice as successful as any other method. Why wait? It is definitely the most successful method available.

Going cold-turkey involves the sudden removal of all nicotine from the body. You may end up with noticeable side effects for the first few days.

Follow these five simple tips to maximise your chances of success:

Drink plenty of water

Water has a detoxing effect and can also help if you are suffering from a dry mouth, cough or sore throat due to stopping smoking.

Eat a healthy diet

Although it’s tempting to just eat whatever comes to hand, especially when it tastes delicious due to your new-found taste buds, it’s all too easy to gain weight after you quit smoking.

Not only is this bad for your body, but it can also make people more likely to return to smoking to stop gaining weight.

Change your habits

If you can, alter your routine somewhat so that opportunities to smoke are eliminated –- be ruthless.

Complementary therapies

Acupuncture, reiki, aromatherapy and other complementary therapies may help you feel better and stick to quitting


Not only can it keep you occupied and far from cigarettes, it’s also excellent to help rebuild your circulatory system, detox your system and improve overall health and well-being.

Don’t suffer in silence.

Let’s chat about how we can work together to get you back on track.

Book a Consultation

Explore our other services

Why choose us:

Therapy to assist with cutting down and quitting

Targeted therapy that aims to offer optimal value

Hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and well-being counselling from a professional with nearly twenty years of experience

Holistic approach that improves your mind, body and spirit

Custom treatment that’s geared to your individual needs.

Quit smoking using hypnotherapy

When you use hypnotherapy to quit smoking, you may find it significantly easier to quit than going completely cold-turkey.

The success rate of hypnosis in quitting smoking is 50%, according to recent studies.

In comparison, the success rate of quitting using nicotine patches is 15%.

Although hypnotherapy doesn’t work for everyone, it can form a useful treatment option that stands a good chance at achieving your desired result.

Does hypnosis work for quitting smoking?

The nature of smoking addiction is such that it’s quite hard to say how many people stop for good, as some will start and stop a number of times before finally quitting for good.

Studies show that quitting smoking using hypnotherapy has an excellent track record of success.

Smoking addiction is a real problem for millions of people; my quit smoking treatment can go a long way to providing you the support, information and assistance needed to quit for good.

Tailored support and therapy available in Canberra

Start your journey to becoming an ex-smoker today.

You will be provided with a full range of services that will be catered to your needs, to help you quit smoking for good.

Call me on 0424 046 175 to find out more.


My clinic is located conveniently in Garran and provides a safe, supportive and empowering environment to help you facilitate profound and lasting change.

38 Brereton Street, Garran, Canberra ACT 2605

If you are dealing with personal challenges in greater Canberra or the following areas, please reach out and let’s chat about finding a healthy solution to your problems.


I have tried to give up loads of times. Ilona’s help has been an absolute miracle – I’ve now stopped smoking for six weeks. Thank you so much.
Mr B, Canberra
Brilliant! Cold-turkeyed after just one session and won’t restart now. A good mix of commonsense tips and getting to grips with the reasons why I smoked, not just the symptoms, as it were
Mr T, Canberra

Together, we can do it.

With customised treatments suited to you, a happy and fulfilled life is within reach.

Call To Discover How

Frequently Asked Questions

  • For most people, stopping smoking is a fairly painless option that causes only minimal side effects.

    However, the things you may experience includes:

    • Anger
    • Irritability
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Difficulty with sleeping
    • Constipation
    • Coughing
    • Headaches and similar

    These side effects tend to be short-lived and not that severe in most cases.

  • When it comes to the costs of using hypnosis to quit smoking, it’s often the case that a single session is all that’s necessary to put in place the necessary building blocks for change.

    Other people may require a few more sessions, particularly if they want to practice prevention techniques to help maximise their chances of success.

    Once you have been to your initial session, we will be happy to advise you on an approximate price.

  • It’s impossible to say if an ex-smoker will stop for good.

    But other smokers I’ve treated, tend to stop for good (98% of them).

    You will be given powerful tools to promote and maintain positive change.

    Generally, as time goes by, ex-smokers tend to experience fewer cravings and begin to start doing activities they used to enjoy while smoking (such as drinking), without being tempted to resume the habit.