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What is the Easiest Way to Quit Smoking?

November 8, 2022

Are you a smoker who has tried multiple times to give up the habit either with willpower or medication, only to find that you relapse within a few months or weeks?

Are you looking for a method to quit smoking once and for all?

Are you tired of the smell, the expense and the constant smokers’ cough.

Have you achieved all your personal goals apart from quitting smoking?

You are not alone. Millions of people try and fail to quit smoking every year. You have wanted nothing more than to quit smoking, but emotionally you have found it impossible.

You believe it calms your anxiety or stress and adds pleasure to simple activities.

So what is the secret to becoming a happy non-smoker?

Addiction to smoking is only 20% physical. The other 80% is all psychological. 

Does that fact surprise you?

No amount of nicotine patches, gums, lozenges, vaping, or pills will help you quit smoking, because they only deal with the physical aspect, 20%, of your addiction. The other 80%, the craving, the desire and need for smoking is lodged in the unconscious part of your mind.

Can you change what is in the unconscious part of your mind?

Yes, you can.

Hypnosis provides the answer you have been searching for. It is the easiest and most effective way of quitting smoking. Your cravings will reduce almost immediately, and any mild anxiety will be replaced by a feeling of calmness and peace. You will stop desiring cigarettes without using medication, substitutes, or “band-aids”.

You were not born with an addiction to smoking. You “programmed” yourself to believe that you could not beat your stress or anxiety without a smoke.

Your mental addiction to smoking is a “program” you created that was repeated so often that it became automatic. You “programmed” your brain to need a smoke with your morning coffee, in the car going to work, when you socialised or had a glass of beer or wine. You formed a strong sense that those pleasant, relaxing moments would be much less enjoyable without a smoke. Those activities and situations  trigger your most intense cravings. And with hypnosis, you can stop those cravings instantly.

In my practice it takes only one hour to re-program your mind and become an “ex smoker”!

Hypnosis helps you overcome the mental addiction to smoking by re-programming your thinking and the behavioural patterns and associations that keep you addicted to nicotine. Hypnosis is a method that removes your desire to smoke by changing how you think about smoking, the associations you have to tobacco; it breaks your addictive habit in just one hour. Hypnosis also helps you deal with the physical side effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Hypnosis to stop smoking has 98% success rate. Nearly all smokers quit permanently on their first attempt with my program. They are so surprised about how easy it is; it does not matter whether they are light, heavy, or secret smokers, or whether they’ve had the addiction for five or thirty years!

If you are serious about quitting smoking, hypnotherapy should be your first consideration. It’s a toxin-free method and so the healthiest and fastest way of overcoming your smoking addiction.

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